People Need To PLEASE SHUT THE FUCK UP About Jason Day’s Sweatpants

Jason Day went full heather gray sweatsuit on Sunday the Pebble Beach AT&T Pro Am and people are not fucking happy about it at all.

People think it’s too casual. They say it’s too far and that golf pants are plenty comfortable and that Jason Day is abusing the system for his own personal benefit. They want to see him banned from the tour or publicly executed and some even want Jim Nantz to retire because he didn’t have the balls to call him out on live TV.

“Jim Nantz is a bitch” – your high school defensive line coach

A lot of people are unhappy and it’s because you can’t see his bulge as much as you would like

Alexa enhance

Dewalt bag is a nice touch but that’s not the point of this blog.

The point is that golfers and golf fans are such demonstrative pussies when it comes to offending the sensibility of their game. As a baseball guy, golfers make me look and feel like an early 20th century boxing legend that overcame polio to win a heavyweight title fight with limited training in front of 200,000 paid attendance.

I am that guy. I am that tough. – Me

At least in comparison to the golf community. Holy Toledo are these guys soft shell tacos with extra sour cream.

To me that looks like a grown man wearing what he wants to wear. Whether that’s because he wants to wear it or they’re paying him to look like Tim Allen from the Santa Claus remains to be seen. But fact is he’s wearing it and if you got a big dump in your pants about it, then petition Doug at the Tour to outlaw sweatpants.

But to otherwise moan on social media because you think it violates some sacred code that’s probably 20 strokes outside your jurisdiction is absolutely fucking crazy to me.

I’m not mad about his outfit. I’m mad that he looks stupid. – The average take

Now you’re even weirder. You’re not offended he dressed down? You’re offended he dressed down and did so poorly? My fuckin ass.

You’re mad your old lady won’t blow you on your best day. Your mad the neighborhood club initiation fees went up this winter. You’re mad the simulator bay won’t fit in the basement and that your son has no interest in golf. Your mad about your clients and the traffic and price of eggs. Your mad at your brother for no-showing Christmas Eve and disappointed in yourself for not fostering a better family environment for both sides. And your also probably pissed off that the Bulls are rebuilding again without lower ticket or concession prices.

That’s what you’re mad about.

It just so happens that Jason Day was slightly underdressed and you would kill every living family member to trade lives with him.

That’s why you’re mad and trust me when I say: it’s okay.

You’re good enough to me.

PS – I could’ve sworn Jason Day went to LIV. That’s maybe the most surprising thing out of all of this.

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