That’s a picture of an authentic Jim Harbaugh autographed Colts jersey from the AFC Championship 1995 season. My uncle Sandy did some legal work for Mr. Irsay Sr. if I remember correctly. Something like that where he was traveling down to Indy pretty regularly to work on some corporate stuff. Maybe even the ownership transfer to Junior? I can’t remember all the details other than to say my uncle is one of those lawyers and spent some time around the Colts.
Fast forward to Christmas. My Jewish Uncle Sandy gives the best gifts, and this year it was a signed Harbaugh jersey to be framed and prominently displayed in our basement family room. We thought it was so cool that Uncle Sandy knew Jim Harbaugh.
Fast forward over a period of nearly 30 years and you’ll find that Harbaugh jersey unmoved from its prime position in the Sterk Manor basement. There have been weddings and funerals and grandchildren and everything in-between. And throughout all the good and bad times, that Jim Harbaugh jersey remained centrally affixed both literally and figuratively to our home decor.
I’ll concede a Harbaugh on the wall like that would be atypical for an Indianapolis family, much less a house of diehard Bears fans. Especially considering one of the greatest quarterbacks of all time replaced Jim Harbaugh making him quickly forgettable as a Colts signal caller. But he never wavered from the wall, probably because my parents overpaid for a custom frame as they often do. Or maybe as a sign of friendship between my father and Sandy. Or maybe just out of convenience because hanging things on the wall is a pain in the ass and no sane guy wants to shuffle sports memorabilia once it’s up. That’s probably the best explanation but I digress. Point is we had that Harbaugh on the wall in my parents house forever.
Then one day very recently, my father called me out of the blue to abruptly ask if I had room for the Harbaugh. I was obviously taken aback
The good signed jersey in the basement? You’re taking it down??
“You know how your mother gets”
Say no more dad. I’m happy to take the Harbaugh.
So he comes out to the house the other weekend to drop it off. Of course we got breakfast and stopped by St. Katharine’s for the 9am. But the trip was primarily to hand deliver the signed Harbaugh to loving, trusting custodionship. And like a family business making a generational transition from father to son, you could tell my dad was both parts relieved but cautious. He wanted the responsibility to lay with me but needed assurances I was ready to absorb it.
You have a spot on the wall, right?
I said yes but the reality is that I hadn’t cleared it with my wife – a historically cool person to the extent that you question if it’s schtick. Like sometimes I think its unsustainable and in this case, I was right. She took one look at the Harbaugh
What’s the plan for that
I didn’t use a question mark there because she wasn’t asking me anything. She was telling me to get that thing out of the house. I countered with a proposal:
You know there’s a lot of wall space in the guest bedroom? The color fits too.
I might have well just gotten the Chicago Bears 07 offensive line on FATHEAD plastered to the bedroom ceiling without saying anything. Like she just looked up one morning and is now staring at Olin Kreutz and Roberto Garza breaking the huddle. That’s the kinda reaction Mrs. Carl gave me
I think you can put it in the garage or find a spot in the basement
And on that subject, the Harbaugh will absolutely not be out there. Not until we reinsulate the walls, apoxy the floor, fix the roof and get new windows installed along with power and running water. Build the infrastructure and maybe I’ll consider putting my Harbaugh outside.
Until then, it’s a cat and mouse game in the house. She’s downtown today for a presentation or something like that. I’m looking for less obvious space where I can get it up for a couple days before she realizes and by then I’ll have the opportunity to say – “It’s been up for almost a week and you haven’t even noticed. I told you it would blend in.”
That’s a hard point to refute, but it’s more difficult to find that kinda wall space in our house. So I’m hunting right now and in this pursuit, I’ve realized I need to make a decision. Push comes to shove, the Harbaugh’s getting on the wall whether she likes it or not.
She hates it.
Wish me luck guys. Metra gets in at 6:30 tonight which gives me like 6 hours to finally figure this out. No way I don’t completely fuck it up.