I guess you gotta watch it in the YouTube app because it’s so bad. And that’s fine by me because I don’t really want that trash on the blog anyways. Worst thing I’ve ever watched in my entire life including the one time I did a Sex and The City marathon with an ex girlfriend after a night of bad crab legs. Turned out to be a pretty decent show after you watch enough of it. Still kinda mad she ended up with Mr. Big but that’s a different blog.
For now I just want to get my 8am Wake Up posted for another grueling week of 48 blogs. This week should see some new contributors and characters around the site, which is a good thing. I’m excited to share the load around here.
I’m also excited to actually share this website. I was going to on Sunday but then I figured that would be weird with the Super Bowl going on. So I figured I’ll keep adding blogs to the roster and then maybe a random moment this week? Or maybe after my 48th blog this week I can do a short video on Friday? That seems appropriate.
I should either think more or less. I haven’t decided which but a change in the amount of thinking that goes into things seems prudent.
In that spirit, I vote to think less this week. That’s my commitment. Just fire more naturally like Steve Kerr coming off a strong-side pick in the late 90’s at the elbow from 15.
Kerr fires 15 – YES
Johnny Red Kerr had no relation to Steve but you’d think he was his father the way he called the mid-range game on a live broadcast. I’m very luck to have grown up in this era.
Anyways teh Super Bowl absolutely sucked. Worst one of my life with a terrible halftime show and no drama or theatrics after a Cooper DeJean pick six.
There’s a lot to say in retrospect. None of which I care to cover right now. This is more of a pulse blog just to make sure we can still and write before kicking off the week. In that sense, we’re doing just fine.
Although I’d be a liar if I didn’t admit that Monday morning after a Super Bowl like that is just so much harder. I feel miserable and I’m very angry that I spent so much time and effort leading into kickoff.
Our Saturday was an all day chore fest that went deep into the midnight hour, all so we could have a relaxing Sunday surrounded by appetizers and loved ones.
I heard a rumor Carl had too many beers on Sunday afternoon
That rumor could potentially be true. Hard to say right now.
What I can guarantee – the Super Bowl was a waste of time regardless of who got wasted at that time. Myself included.
All of that to say, let’s have a nice week.