HAPPY LOOK OUT! Major Collision Avoided At Midway Airport Because It’s The Best Airport In The World

There’s two planes in this picture and they almost collided at my Midway airport this morning and it’s very scary.

You can watch the near collision here:

Really scary stuff and a good thing Midway Airport is the best airport in the country otherwise who knows what would’ve happened. Especially with all the airplane crashes lately and people blaming the president for not having better landing gears installed and firing the boys in the tower at every airport. There’s so much controversy and complaining and people whining about how pilots are always drunk and doing actually land the planes themselves. It’s been a really hard stretch for the last few months and it feels like it’s only getting worse.

That’s what made me extra nervous at first glance. I just assumed the chaos would make it’s way to Cicero Ave. but I was wrong. Turns out Midway is still as sharp as ever, otherwise how could you explain that last second abort?

You don’t have time to think at Midway. The runway isn’t longer than a city block and that means abruptly slamming on the breaks when you land. If you’ve landed there then you know what I’m talking about. As soon as the plane touches down, your knees go into chest and your head off the seat in front of you. Then you come to immediate hault and the pilot says something like We survived the landing guys and should be at the gate in minutes.

Nobody talks about it but you never taxi at Midway. You land at the gate and get off the plane immediately. There’s no waiting or taxing or shuttling inbetween gates like O’Hare and that’s because Midway is a good experience.

So much so that you won’t die when there’s poor communication and leadership. Your life is not at risk because the pilots and air traffic guys are always playing their best game at Midway. That’s why it’s the #1 airport and nobody comes even remotely close.

One comment

  1. Great blog, great save by the southwest pilot(best airline out of MDW) private jet pilot had potatoes in his ears when atc gave him his taxi instructions

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