Home sales are down. Unemployment is rising. There’s a lot of metrics suggesting a slowed growth heading into spring time but nothing scares me more than bitcoin right now.
Bitcoin’s at 107.
Now at 96.
Bitcoin’s in the 80’s.
Every time you look at bitcoin, there’s another story behind a bigger dip on the graph. I don’t know exactly what this means but I have some interpretative ideas:
- Tom Ricketts is cheap – That’s a fair interpretation depending on how much crypto you own. I personally think Tom Ricketts is very cheap, and I’ve also never heard him publicly support bitcoin which makes me think he wants to see it go down big so he can buy more of it. That’s why we don’t spend on free agents. So Tom can get deeper down the blockchain and deploy cash reserves into bitcoin. Keep that in mind next time we come up 8 games short to Milwaukee.
- I’m always missing out on bitcoin. It’s either too high and I missed out on the gains, or it starts to dip and I’m missing out because I refuse to buy more bitcoin. Reminds me of going to a nice Miami strip club in that I shouldn’t be here in the first place, and I’m definitely not paying for a dance.
- But it doesn’t hurt to look.
- I imagine bitcoin and early stage Christianity have a lot in common. Particularly with how ardent followers are willing to die in its advance. And as a practicing Catholic, that actually makes me want to buy some more bitcoin out of respect.
- Which brings me to a stark realization – the Pope has been sick and if you map the announcements to the price of bitcoin, you’ll notice the dips are heavily correlated. Dare I even argue causeated? That seems like a reach but my dad went to the Vatican once and told me it was ultra decadent. If I take his word for it then I know there’s cash on hand for crypto, and that’s right up Pope Francis’ agenda.
- Nobody really knows how much coin Pope Francis just dumped into the open market. I’m only arguing it could be enough to impact the price.
- If that’s the case, experts argue to HOLD STEADY because we’re still early adopters. This graph can do a better job explaining than me

I’m inclined to trust pictures over words, and this is a pretty damned good picture if you ask me.
Anyways this doesn’t really impact me as much as I would prefer. It would be a lot better to be the kinda rich where fluctuations impact your state of mind. I dream to be that rich where I can look at my phone and get instantly pissed off for good reason in public. And then my wife will tell me to Calm down we’re at a fuckin Chilis and I’ll be like YOU’RE THE ONE WHO ORDERS THE DOUBLE FAJITA PLATTER and then she’ll be like YOU KNOW I DON’T EAT SHRIMP and then at some point a man will ask me to calm down. I’ll tell him You have no idea what I’m capable of buddy as we enter an old fashioned Mexican standoff. My wife will say something about how I’m embarrassing her and we need to leave and none of it will matter because the real story here is me getting crushed by minor fluctuations in crypto currency.
That’s how rich I want to be.
PS – Chili’s is actually in my top 10 and I don’t want to argue about it. I just want people to start being a little bit more polite about consumer choices like fast casual dining. Not everything needs to be boutique and expensive and small batch whatever. Sometimes Chili’s is just plenty.