I Will Organize A Halas Hall Riot If The Bears Draft The Penn State Tight End

I have to go get a haircut and run some errands down to the Yorkville Goodwill so I don’t want to spend too much time on this topic. Albeit selfishly, we can make quick work of this.


I hate Penn State but not enough to say this kid sucks. He’s obviously a special talent and blah blah blah.

We ignore the offensive line then I will not watch football this year at any level. There’s no reason to support the lower levels of my fandom if the upper echelon can’t grasp basic facts.

If we ignore the offensive line again then I will organize a riot at Halas Hall and the rest of you are more than welcome to join me.

Last year couldn’t have gone worse and it’s for the most obvious reasons. You bring in all these skill position players then ignore the big hog mollys up front.

Now, more then ever, before the ENTIRE city turns on leadership… now is the time to show us you’re not low functioning morons and that you actually understand basic arithmetic. Now is the time you invest in the offensive line and that means ignoring the pass catching tight end from Penn State.

We simply don’t deserve tight ends at this point. Not unless they can run block and shore up left tackle in pass protection. That’s the only kind of tight end we need on the club, especially with how bad Cole Kmet has been as a Chicago Bear. I say no more to pretty boy route running tight ends and instead demand we get the kind that put their hand in the mud to get a first down. And last time I checked, those guys are undrafted free agents.

So spare me the meetings and the strategy and the game planning. Just spend every waking second of every single day researching the trenches and don’t you dare think outside the line of scrimmage. Otherwise just do as all one big favor and walk head first off Navy Pier and don’t stop until you get to Michigan City, Indiana.


For the love of God.

Do not draft a tight end.

PS – Penn State fans can fuckin blow me. Bunch of creeps. All of them.

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