Without hesitation or exaggeration, I am willing to say this is my #1 All Time video series in the history of the internet. If you’ve never seen these, you might live under a rock but that’s okay because you’re about to witness some of the best sports commentary you’re ever gonna find.
Cougars are an elusive animal
As such I couldn’t think of a better starting point for the first official day in CarlsBlogs.com history. Legitimate divine intervention that this would came out yesterday in perfect synchronization with the blog.
In that spirit, I wish I liked hockey more. I need to admit that to you guys. I just can’t get into the sport for a number of reasons. It’s so fast and I don’t know the players names and I can’t follow the puck. It drives me crazy and I know I’m missing out big time.
Mostly because of the camaraderie. It’s the best camaraderie across any sport or club or anything you can do. And I say that consciously as a baseball guy who knows how much baseball players hate each other.
I don’t think hockey has the same treatment at all and it actually makes me really jealous. Like doing your hair for the high school tournament has to be one of the most exhilarating experiences for these guys. You probably start talking about it in junior high at this point in Minnesota and that’s objectively hilarious.
Also, the triple fist fight to start the world championship the other week was just about the most patriotic and bad ass thing I’ve ever seen. And even so I just can’t figure out how to like hockey, and again that really bothers me.
Maybe that changes this year in the playoffs. I’ll try again for the 10th straight year to give a shit and it probably won’t work out. But I’ll try and that’s the most important thing. You gotta fuckin try fellas.
In the interim, I highly recommend going through the catalogue of Minnesota high school hockey hair teams. Legitimately some of the best content to the point the New York Times just did a full sit down interview with the guy behind the videos.
I don’t do paywalls but heard a rumor it was a nice interview.
Other notes:
- Have a nice day
- Welcome back to CarlsBlogs.com
- Don’t forget to nominate a local MILF to Carl@CarlsBlogs.com
- Send tips to Carl@CarlsBlogs.com