Almost 38 Years Later, Decaf Coffee Finally Makes Sense

I’m sitting down to write my 3:30pm blog after a long walk with my dog and some compelling 1st half Champions League between Man City. Life is very good and peaceful across all fronts. I just enjoyed a large piece of ham-off-the-bone and two pieces of large crispy bacon for a late lunch. Feeling full, I head to MLB Trade for breaking news when I get the itch for a cup coffee.

Historically I would make that cup of coffee and be off to the races. But things have changed around here lately and specifically that means decaf coffee.

Not even 6 months ago I admonished an immediate family member for offering me a cup. Are you insane, I asked?

I figured you’ve had enough regular

Touche mom.

Fast forward to today and I’m about a month into being a full blown decaf subscriber. Most of this born out of an inability to get a decent night’s rest and me parsing things out of my diet slowly but surely. Another pull is the love I have for a hot cup of coffee. Even out of habit or ritual. Something I never anticipated though was that decaf would scratch any type of itch. That I’d be enriched and fulfilled by a cup of decaf was certified crazy talk no sooner than Thanksgiving.

But here I am drinking it right now, as delicious as ever.

Truthfully the main reason is trying to ween off caffeine, which might take years, if ever. I’m like 6 months without nicotine of any form and maybe a year from a cigarette that I enjoyed. Booze is booze but the caffeine is caffeine. That’s way different depending on how you read that sentence.

My point is that it’s been a hard thing to kick so I started mixing in decaf out of desperation and now I’m thumbing through different flavors and experiences on the Nespresso website. I’m embracing the hot cup of coffee more as a way of life than the buzz that it brings me, which honestly feels pretty fucking mature of me if we’re being honest. A lot of you never thought I could get to this point but I have, so kindly suck it.

That’s not very mature

Sorry Mom. I’m just passionate about the coffee.

Does that mean decaf is for everyone? No not at all.

I’m just saying that you shouldn’t be afraid to mix in a decaf because you think it’s stupid and pointless. Based on personal experience I have found it to be quit lovely and and a nice addition to the rotation of hot beverages.

In that spirit, hot beverage rankings

  1. Espresso
  2. Regular coffee
  3. Chamomille tea
  4. Hot chocolate
  5. Caffeinated tea
  6. Tom & Jerry from Miller’s Pub
  7. Apple cider
  8. Hot Toddy
  9. Matcha latte
  10. Decaf coffee

Worst hot drink: all forms of Scotch

All of this to say that I should do a deeper dive into warm beverages. Just listing these out makes me realize the roster isn’t that deep because it’s pretty elite company and certainly worth more of an expert perspective.

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