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I Absolutely Hate This Crybaby Chiefs Fan


Get over it you little pussy. This is the problem with kids watching football. They just don’t get it. They don’t understand the rules or that custom embroidered jerseys are more expensive. They think every play should be a hail…

Mike Madigan Is Going To Prison (Part 1)

Mike Madigan

Mike Madigan is the longest standing elected member in the history of American Democracy and arguably one of its most powerful figures of all time. To understand his power first requires to you shed any notion you have about how…

MILF Of The Day: Stifler’s Mom

Stifler's Mom

Fun fact about me is that I really wanted to bang Stifler’s Mom for the longest time. That’s the fact. She’s so perfectly slutty I talk a lot about hot older women and I think it’s because of her influence…



IN THE 98TH MINUTE AFTER 100+ YEARS OF HISTORY I’m out of breath You guys have to believe me when I say that I love watching soccer on TV. I don’t know shit about the technical side of the sport,…