Dan Hurley Is Such A Pathetic Little Douchebag

As a bald(ish) guy myself, you can’t attack another baldy in the tribe. That’s just a fact no matter how many skin grafts and hair plugs and national championships you end up with in your lifetime. There’s literally no reason any single one of us should be mean to another on the grounds of baldness. If we can’t agree on that then there’s no decency in the cold cruel world.

Consider: Opposing coach on the road in a hostile college basketball environment serving $1 beers? That’s fair game as far as I’m concerned. You can be mean to that guy any time you want.

Especially when you’re the defending national champion on the road in conference against the only team that has your number. Especially when it’s Nebraska in the middle of the winter. What could Dan Hurley possible expect other than to get harassed nonstop for hours? That’s why you’re on a $50,000,000 contract you whiny little pussy.

And even that’s not enough for you to rationalize that maybe some people want to talk shit to you?

He’s just such a classic douchebag here, I can’t get over it. I legitimately hate this guy inside and out as much as I can hate anyone in this entire known world. So much that I need to breathe this in one more time for a closing rant.

What a gigantic pussy.

And to be clear this has nothing to do with him routing my Illini 30-0 this past spring in the 2nd half of the Elite 8. I’ve completely moved on without any of the emotional baggage you’d expect from such trauma. So when I say he’s a pussy little douchebag, I mean that objectively from real time observations without considering Coleman Hawkins’ me-first perimeter play. I think that’s only fair.

And I also think, again, that Danny Hurley is a bitch.

Nice thing is that it’s more interesting to cheer against someone like him than it is to cheer for him. So whoever they play (basically forever) will give me a strong rooting interest. So that’s nice because, again, he’s a huge bitch.

Fuck Dan Hurley.

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