Happy Fat Tuesday From The Fattest Guy In Chicago

I saw this the other day and figured I should wait until Fat Tuesday to celebrate the Fattest Fat Guy in the history of Fat Guys.

JB Pritzker is so full of shit that I almost don’t want to waste a blog on him but at the same time I need it for the record.

This guy sucks and I think he’s going to ride the fakest tough guy rhetoric his staff can muster into a pathetic democratic presidential primary down the road. So please remember that for the record because that’s the two-fold purpose of this blog: I hate his guts and he’s absolutely trying to snake his way into the White House. I’ve never been more certain of anything in my life and I want everyone now to know that he sucks and is completely full of shit about everything.

Fuck him.

Which is also a good time to remind people that we do tackle politics here on CarlsBlogs.com. It’s absolutely in my/our wheelhouse to say that Brandon Johnson sucks, Kim Foxx is a terrorist, Chicago Teachers Union leadership is at war with the future of the city, and nobody of any national importance gives a fuck. Rinse and repeat. There’s your bullshit coverage.

In this case though I need to be clear that every time you see JB Pritzker, you have an obligation to throw up in your mouth just a little bit. He’s that disgusting in every single respect. Morally bankrupt. Utterly incompetent. Full of both kinds of bologna. And always willing to talk the most amount of shit for no other reason than someone in his family a long time ago made a whole bunch of money.

He sucks.

Fuck him.

Happy Fat Tuesday

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