I Am Categorically Obsessed With The LanLaw Music Boys And You Should Be Too

You may not know who these guys are which is okay. That’s why I’m here.

Before though = I am disappointed to learn now in the 4th blog of CarlsBlogs.com that I cannot embed instagram content onto this site, which is a big fuckin monkey wrench I did not see coming. However, I am committed to showing you guys more about how the sausage is made so just consider it apart of the journey. Right now on February 3rd, I have no access to sharing instagram or facebook content without learning how to code apps or unnecessarily absorbing copyright/legal risks. But I digress.

Those boys are LAN LAW and they are Country to the Bone as explained in their debut album.

(And again, not to beat a dead horse but this would be a lot easier with access to instagram.)

Here’s the big single. It’s taking the country music world by storm because casual fans are not sure if it’s satire or real.

I took one look and instantly recognized how serious these guys are. You don’t need to be an expert to understand these guys want to be country music stars.

Only problem is that social media is fucking destroying these guys inside and out.

It just goes and goes and goes with no end in sight.

Objectively pretty funny but also just downright mean. And I get it – the algorithm is predatory and manipulative but it’s utterly relentless. Nearly every single thing these guys post on the internet is met with abject disdain and that has me feeling a whole bunch of things.

First off, the music isn’t great but they’re not opening the grammys. It’s not on 99.5 while you sit in traffic. You’re not forced to consume LANLAW. This isn’t a North Korean internment camp as much as it is just two brothers making music together and sharing it with the world. That alone is more courageous and impressive than anything I’m going to try to do this week as it takes BALLS to MAKE STUFF.

Second, there’s something endearing about the passion behind below average music. Like even though it’s off pitch and the lyrics are kinda trashy, these guys are behind it with every ounce of conviction. Their promotional output is sincerely admirable. They’re playing live shows every weekend and they spent a couple thousand dollars on stage props and posters and a bunch of shit that tells the world LANLAW MEANS BUSINESS. Even if it’s not great, that’s kinda inspirational because most of what we (human beings) do is unremarkable. So credit to these guys for trying so hard at something that very likely will crash and burn at a later date. I have a ton of respect for that.

Mostly though I think that almost all modern country music is trashy. There’s a couple heavy hitters and we all know them. Sturgill. Stapleton. Somebody else. But mostly it’s just a big pile of shit to begin with so spare me all the criticism towards LANLAW that they don’t belong. If anything, they’re right on trend with where country music is headed as a species so maybe stop being so fucking snobby and start thinking a little more COUNTRY.

Hit the music

It’s waking up
Busting your butt
Tryin’ to earn a little extra pay
It’s taking her out
When you get off
To the creek for a fishing date
It’s a way of life
It’s choosing right
It’s praying when you get home
It’s buck knives
It’s a ride or die
Down a two lane back road
It’s country to the bone
In the holler’s where we call our home
Country as it gets
If it’s broke down here we just fix it
It’s apple pie moonshine
Living for the good time
The only way we know
It’s the birds and the bees
And the dogwood trees
And It’s deep down in your soul
It’s country to the bone
It’s country to the bone
It’s living life
Without a care
Cause nothing can bring you down
It’s sunday morning
Dressed your best
In a church pew cross town
It’s honkytonks and bar fights
George Jones on the radio
It’s up in a stand waiting on a deer
With a compound ready to go
It’s country to the bone
In the holler’s where we call our home
Country as it gets
If it’s broke down here we just fix it
It’s apple pie moonshine
Living for the good time
The only way we know
It’s the birds and the bees
And the dogwood trees
And It’s deep down in your soul
It’s country to the bone
It’s country to the bone
We raise the flag and stand real tall and proud
With a southern drawl we sing our anthem loud
It’s country to the bone
In the holler’s where we call our home
Country as it gets
If it’s broke down here we just fix it
It’s apple pie moonshine
Living for the good time
The only way we know
It’s the birds and the bees
And the dogwood trees
And It’s deep down in your soul
It’s country to the bone
Yeah Yeah
It’s country to the bone
It’s country to the booo-ooo-oone
Country to the bone
Country to the bone
Country to the bone
It’s the birds and the bees
And the dogwood trees
And It’s deep down in your soul
It’s country to the bone

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