I Would Rather Be Dead Than Eat One Slice Of This Bologna Ramen Cake From The WGN Morning Show

That there my friends is a Bologna Ramen cake made of exactly what it sounds: Oscar Meyer bologna and old fashioned ramen.

Today the WGN morning show decided to dedicate a full live segment to Robin teaching Dan and Lauren how to make the delicacy.

At this point I should be very clear with you guys about something. I am obsessed with the WGN Morning show. I think it is absolutely the best piece of content that comes out of Chicago and I don’t know what second place would be. It’s really WGN Morning Show in a category of itself and I think a lot of Chicagoans under 40 years old need to wake up to this fact – something you can do with the WGN morning show Monday thru Friday from 4am-10am every single day. EVERY SINGLE DAY.

Anyways Dan fucked up and lost a bet. Something like that. Honestly I didn’t get great sleep last night so I’m a little light on exact details. But point is they cooked Bologna Ramen live today and I’m still puking my guts out from the recipe. Literally there are guts on my floor and they fuckin stink out loud.


  • Ramen
  • left over Ramen water
  • Ramen seasoning packet
  • Butter
  • Powdered sugar
  • Mayo
  • Bologna
  • Rainbow sprinkles


  • Stack the Ramen patties and bologna: Layer of Ramen patty, layer of bologna. Repeat process.
  • Apply chicken seasoning frosting all over cake.
  • Add sprinkles.

Left over Ramen Water? No thanks guys.

The powdered sugar is also a bit of stretch as is the mayo, rainbow sprinkles and basically everything about this.

It’s a good punishment. Eating it would be the worst but cooking and preparing isn’t far behind.

I’m still looking for the video so if you guys see it, please tag me.

Otherwise I just want to share a word on fantasy football punishments because this is in that same realm. I think food challenges are pretty disgusting but you can do much worse.

I’m personally training for a 10K right now which means I have to lace up sneakers multiple times a week for multiple weeks in a row so I can go to Morris Illinois on a random Saturday to dress up like a super hero and run in their charity 10K. That’s all because my 1st, 3rd and 4th rounders went on IR last year. So now my life is absolute fucking hell because I can’t risk a blown hamstring with an hour drive back home. I can’t risk an entire spring and summer of golf because my body gave out on the 5th mile. That’s very reasonable so I’m taking my precautions.

That’s the worst part of the fantasy football punishment. The amount of time and effort I have to sink in just so I can later embarrass myself. In that respect, give me the Bologna Ramen cake 100 out of 100 times because I’d rather just puke and be done with it.

In my case, I’m monitoring nutrients and diet and making plans and trying to stay on schedule. It fucking blows.

I offered to do 30 minutes of open mic stand ups but that was shot down. I offered to volunteer for a weekend at a charity of the commissioner’s choice, also vetoed.

My point in all of this is that food punishments are bad but it could be a lot worse. And in that spirit I don’t think there’s anything worse in life than running yourself out of breath.

That’s the absolute worst, Bologna Ramen be damned.

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