I don’t know exactly who needs to hear this but you just cannot boo this lady right here. There’s literally no excuse whatsoever to be trashing this lady in any capacity. I don’t give a shit what you have to say. I don’t care how smart you are or what your daddy does for a living or how much Kendrick Lamar you streamed last year. I don’t care if your grandpa boo’d Santa off the field 60 something years ago and you grew up harder than you would’ve liked in retrospect. Your mom did the best she could.
Whatever your baggage, no matter the back story, you just cannot be booing Taylor Swift.
There is no valid excuse.
That would be like booing Queen Elizabeth at the ’66 World Cup because you think Buckingham Palace is excessive. Tasteless and classless and everything in between you sickly, simple-minded heathen twat.
And this is coming from a guy who, no joke, cannot name one single Taylor Swift song. I know we have an album that gets plaid occasionally and I enjoy it. She’s a powerhouse in all forms. She’s fabulous and graceful and has nice hair and she tries hard to be fun which is just as important as being fun. She checks a lot of boxes and that’s before we talk about being a billionaire music icon that’s in the Beatles/Michael Jackson stratosphere AND STILL CLIMBING.
People want to boo this lady?
You belong in Guantanamo Bay you filthy terrorist. Booing Taylor Swift as the same as booing the Star Spangled Banner. It’s like slapping a veteran in the face with a poorly baked apple pie on the 4th of July. It’s living in Arkansas and driving a Mazda. Possibly even worse than protesting BIG OIL by blocking traffic with a group of hippies during rush hour. Basically the most unAmerican thing you can do right now is boo Taylor Swift and be proud of it.
Boo you.
Taylor is – at her absolute worst – the most harmless lady we’re gonna put in the public spot light. I mean at here absolute worst, she’s handing out full size candy bars on Halloween and making corny mom jokes on the steps of an overdecorated house that she didn’t herself decorate. That’s the worst version of Taylor that I can think of, and I would gladly be her neighbor and friend in that scenario. Not as a fan, but as a guy who enjoys group costumes and seasonal decor.
My point is that she’s a sweet lady and I think being mean to her is classless and tacky. And any other interpretation is stupid and wrong. So be nice or shut the fuck up already.