Listen To These Old People From London Explain How To Beat The Flu In 1959

I’m not a conspiracy theorist or a hippie or anti vaccine or really anything too extreme. But I do ask a lot of questions and have gradually skewed towards more natural than more science historically speaking. I think Big Pharma is more like Big Business and I believe the FDA is out to harm us for the sake of preservatives. Stick around long enough and you’ll quickly find out that I can be a pretty big snob around bluetooth devices and microwaves and a bunch of other technology I’ve long sworn off.

We hard wire things in this household – me

That said even I’m not crazy enough to tie my day-worn sock around my neck like that old bag is telling me. I’m not killing and cleaning a goose for the hot grease. I’m not wrapping myself in a brown paper bag.

Some of that shit is WILD. And to think that wasn’t even a lifetime ago when there’s absolutely no science to fall back on influenza.

Personally I don’t really know what to make of that disease. I’ve been flu shotted before and it’s kinda ruined me for a couple weeks. I’ve also not taken the shot and subsequently got very sick. Some people die without it. I think others get sick from it. One thing that really freaks me out is that multiple places (Osco, Walgreens, CVS) will contact me every year for a free flu shot. The same place that charges you 10 cents for a plastic bag is going to give away free medicine? That never sat right with me. Maybe if I was homeless I would feel different but right now I’m not homeless.

I’m just a guy wondering if there’s something bigger (or smaller) going on than the Flu. You know what I mean?

Probably not

Anyways one thing that makes me romantic for that time period is that everyone had to personally acquire their own home remedy without getting it from tik tok. Like you had to physically suffer through influenza and get home remedies from relatives and build your own routine to recover. That’s why everyone’s so proud in these interviews like LEMME TELL YA THE BEST MY LAD they all believe it because they had to earn it for themselves. There’s so much pride in these interactions. It’s outstanding.

The one I’m going to try is onions. Apparently onions can fix more than a bad patty melt. Especially if mixed with honey and left to ferment. That’s supposed to be the #1 home remedy but I cannot attest to it personally so I won’t.

Instead I’ll just say that a little bit of hot whiskey with your tea sounds quite brilliant.

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