Friendly Reminder: Brian Kelly Is A Selfish Disgusting Scumbag (Allegedly)

Brian Kelly is an all time scumbag and one of the slimiest dudes I’ve ever seen in my life. You have to be morally bankrupt to think otherwise. In a world of disgusting college football coaches, this moaning fraud grades out as a 1.1 cunt with a clear path to the cocksucker hall of fame. So let’s just be clear: Brian fucking stinks out loud.

And now he’s in front of the media saying that the former player who almost died of brain cancer is actually lying. You can’t make it up:

It’s factually incorrect to state I was not there by Greg’s side through this ordeal. I was there on multiple occasions. Someone from my staff was there every single day. We love Greg. We love him for the person that he is. For the competitor that he is. And the battler that he is and we can only wish him continued progress as he goes through an incredibly difficult time. But it was important for me to set the record clear for my love and care for him in this difficult time.

That’s just the 1st half. The next part of the transcript blends seamlessly into a recruiting pitch for all current and future players.

And again I want to be clear that any player that is apart of this program… I am going to be involved in making sure that they receive the best care. The best support. And I’m apart of that…

That’s legal talk so he doesn’t get sued. Clear as day and dark as night otherwise known as black and white. That’s what I hear when Brian Kelly gets up there talking about his staff and drawing lines. Like the reason the comment hit your heart Brian is because it’s true. That’s why stuff hurts people’s feelings like you’re talking about. It’s because you know deep down that you don’t give a shit if this kid lives or dies if it has zero impact on your next game. That’s a fact.

Here’s another fact. Notre Dame used to be a lot easier to hate when he was there. So much so that my dad is starting to come around on Notre Dame despite spending the first 72 years of his life hating their guts. And that’s because he really likes Marcus Freeman and, more specifically, him reinstating the dress code and Saturday morning mass ritual that Brian Kelly so heartlessly and seamlessly destroyed during his tenure.

Do you know how big of a scumbag you have to be to cancel mass at Notre Dame?

The answer is you’d have to be a Brian Kelly level scumbag. And it’s no surprise ND appears to be notably better without him. And while I may never like that institution to the extent that I would cheer for them in a game. I can absolutely guarantee you that I will always maintain a robust hate for Brian Kelly no matter where he goes or what he does.

Fuck that guy.

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