WGN – llinois Secretary of State Alexi Giannoulias has announced the results of the state flag redesign contest following a five-week voting period. Voters had the option to choose their favorite from one of the Illinois Flag Commission’s Top 10 new designs, or to choose one of three former flag designs — including the current one, which has not had a major redesign in the past century.
That’s the one they favored, by a lot.
Of the nearly 385,000 votes that were received, over 165,000 — or 43 percent — were cast for the current Illinois state flag. In fact, it received more votes than the next five top designs combined.
“Some may call it an ‘SOB’ — a seal on a bedsheet — and the vexillological (study of flags) community may hate it, but people overwhelmingly prefer our current state flag,” Giannoulias said in a news release. “Thank you to everyone who made their voice heard on the future of this important symbol of state pride.”
The Illinois Flag Commission will prepare a report detailing its findings and recommendations to the state’s General Assembly by April 1. Lawmakers will then vote on whether to adopt a new state flag, return to a previous iteration, or keep the current one.
And everyone who wanted a new flag can kick rocks, pound sand, AND suck my dick.
I’m so sick of politicians having to revisit the same tired topics. I’m sick of watching statues get torn down by progressives. I’m sick of graphic designers telling me why MLB logos suck, and now everyone’s always just complaining all the time everywhere about everything NON STOP.
New flag?
My fuckin ass buddy.
Call it what you want but this eagle is majestic:
That’s a classic.
That’s a beauty.
Colorado on the otherhand is GAY

And by gay I mean overrated
Which reminds me
Also a little gay

That’s the quidditch cup trophy from Harry Potter


Looks like a public service announcement

Lord of the Rings origin trilogy vibes, and also a little gay

Okay tough guy

Totally not racist at all whatsoever

Missouri = not shabby

Sword about to butcher that Indian? Fucked up but historically accurate

Literally the gold standard of flags

Gorgeous. Simple. Beautiful.
That’s how you do a state flag and I don’t think Illinois is far behind. We got a majestic eagle, some kind of shield, a rock formation and some other goofy revolutionary shit.
To me it’s a fantastic flag and I hope nobody ever tries to change it again
PS – I want a job on the Illinois Flag Commission so bad. I don’t know how you get that work but I spent a couple summers at the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District and have extensive experience fucking off on the taxpayer’s dime. Where do I apply?