Apparently that’s a big YouTuber, or something. I don’t really know but I love his explanation about Pedri being the best midfielder in the world. It’s not until you’re playing against him while Barcelona is a man down, watching him destroy your own midfield that you realize just how good this dude is. That’s the general sentiment and it’s spot on after Barcelona somehow managed to dominate Benfica with just 10 guys.
And at this point, let me take a step back and say again for the billionth time on that I’m not a soccer expert by any stretch, but I absolutely love watching the sport at nearly every level. I’m borderline addicted. I never saw it coming and I don’t know what to do with myself now that I’m here other than just embrace it.
A recent development or growth for me has been my appreciation for midfield play. It started with attacking midfielders but now I’m down to just good old fashioned box-to-box play. The traditional possession midfielder. And as I type this, I don’t even know if it’s that correct terminology. I just know what I like and I like a smart soccer player with absurd vision.
Insert Pedri
He’s basically the smartest athlete I’ve seen outside of Dansby Swanson. That’s maybe the closest comparison and probably why I like a good midfielder so much. They remind me of defensive-minded, perfectly tuned major league shortstops.
In that sense, Dansby is the perfect comparison down to him leading the infield defense and calling the mound visits with the catcher and shifting the outfielders. He’s doing everything on the field and you have to pay attention close enough to understand.
That’s kinda how it feels watching Pedri knife a midfield for 90 minutes. He always has the best position and never loses the ball and always makes dudes look stupid. So much more than the next guy that it’s truly incredible. So much that I wrote a blog about him and again I don’t really know shit about soccer.
But that doesn’t stop me from appreciating genius and this my friends is pure genius.
PS – You know the soccer highlights are good when nobody’s scoring goals. It’s like listening to a band for the bass player. You gotta be a real sicko to enjoy that kinda stuff.