Everybody knows Tony Gwynn is one of greatest hitters of all time but I think he’s actually better at talking about hitting. I’ve never heard anyone explain it to the point that I actually think I could hit .300. That’s how simple Tony Gwynn makes hitting appear, and everyone else wants you to think it’s the hardest thing across every single sport.
It is
Tony Gwynn can make it sound so easy because it was so easy for him.
The numbers are ridiculous
- 8x National League Batting Champion
- .338 Career Batting Average
- 3,141 Career Hits
- .394 Batting Average in 1994
- 19 Consecutive Seasons with a .300+ Batting Average
- Career OBP of .388
From the perspective of squaring up a baseball since World War 2, I think it goes:
- Ted Williams
- Tony Gwynn
- Stan Musial
- Wade Boggs
And I don’t think you’re allowed to add anyone else to that list. That’s what experts call a Mt. Rushmore.
Anyways I hope everyone has a nice Tuesday.
I’m going to work on a storage project in my basement and then stop by Ream’s to grab a fresh 20 pounds of product. We’re supposed to get a bunch of labels and new boxes and stuff for packaging that I blogged about last week, and we cleared out a room in the basement to serve as our inventory storage holding facility for now aka The Vault.
I always wanted a vault.
PS – Tony Gwynn… highlights anybody?
PPS – of course 1st reel is a walk-off against the Cubs. F me