I’m not piling on the Super Bowl shit show halftime performance as much as I’m saying this guy is an outstanding performer and he would have been way better received than Kendrick Lamar. All the social media videos I see tend to agree. Way too many people were confused and uninspired by Kendrick Lamar to say it was a good performance. So much that I’m still talking about it on Thursday morning flushing out alternatives.
Super Bowls aside, I encountered Michael Moschen for the first time 3 weeks ago while taking a dump. It’s one of those videos where it progressively gets more impressive, but you’re already very impressed at the very beginning. So when you see the time-scrolling bar, you think surely this can’t get significantly better because it’s already incredible. But then it does just that and gets significantly better.
Reminds me a lot of going to college and going out the first couple nights. You’re only drinking in the dorms and maybe going to some shitty house parties and feeling your way around campus. It’s an awesome time but you know deep down there’s much better shit going on. There’s bars and after hours and a bunch of weird shit you want to get into sooner. Even so, you still enjoy the first couple nights out as a moron freshman with nowhere to go. After all, it’s college!
That’s how I feel about watching Michael Moschen juggling these balls off the triangle. I’m having fun but it actually gets a lot cooler and then one day it’s abruptly over and next thing you know you’re taking the Metra 1.5 hours round trip to walk across the loop to make some uninspired cold calls to commercial real estate owners. And at that point you cannot start the video over.
Anyways have a nice day. I’m going to flex back into the 9:30 schedule on the hour vs. the 1:15 in-between blogs. The reason is I feel like the 1:15 demands longer form, smarter commentary whereas the hour gap puts me in a better rhythm.*
PS – Rhythm is an impossible word to spell