Wake Up With The Lumineers: NPR Music Tiny Desk Concert

I saw The Lumineers at Wrigley a couple years ago and absolutely hated it. Mostly because general admission closely resembled a Miami (OH) college of business 5-10-15-20-25 year reunion. So many pastel quarter zips from destination golf courses. So much outlet Tory Burch.

You get the picture.

The downside is that I will probably never see The Lumineers in concert again. It’s expensive and there’s a number of other bands I would easily slot ahead.


The albums are still unbelievable. One of my favorite LP’s and a tier-1 morning playlist. The thumping percussions and folksy sing alongs and warm feels goods do a number on my endorphins. Makes me want to have a hot cup of coffee and light a small fire in the backyard. You know? This is the kinda sound that really reaches your soul on some weird human-community level. Don’t be surprised if you find yourself researching local volunteer opportunities while the music plays.

And with it, this marks the 5th and final edition of Waking Up with NPR Tiny Desk concerts this week. I think moving forward I’ll keep a similar theme for the entire week and then use more variety in what I post. I think 5 straight days of NPR concerts might be a bit much, but 5 straight days of the best guitar solos might not. There’s a lot of tweaking to do but the important thing is that we’re doing it fellas. It’s Friday morning and we’re turning the corner on what should be an outstanding Super Bowl weekend.

With that in mind, some programming notes:

I think we’re going to start the weekend at CarlsBlogs.com at 3:30pm. So that means 8 blogs on Friday instead of a traditional 10. My internet experience says this is appropriate but we’ll have to see for ourselves.

Feel free to share any/all Wake Up theme ideas to Carl@CarlsBlogs.com. I just offshored a remote position to a service rep in Malaysia that’s helping me with the content submissions. His name is Hafiz and he’s awesome. So please send me some idea so he’s got something to do and I can pay for his kids schooling.

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