I talked about this earlier but I figure it’s helpful to be repetitive in the early stages of CarlsBlogs.com just so we’re all on the same page.
- Wake Ups are the first blog of the day at 8am every day. They should follow a general theme each week or be related to something notable from the night before. The first week (last week) was an NPR tiny desk concert week.
- This week will focus more on good live performances following the disastrous halftime show with Kendrick Lamar. Maybe one of the all time worst showing if you consider the full circumstances – particularly the part where they passed on countless other Slam Dunk performances just so we could get Kendrick Lamar.
- Today is an extension by showing you how simple a good performance can be under pressure. You don’t need choreographed Samuel L Jackson appearances or A-list crip walking. You can actually just put some nice fat asses in thongs and shake ’em on camera. You can rap about panties and get the crowd horny.
- In that spirit, there’s no comparison between the Kendrick Lamar super bowl halftime show and the Sisqo Thong Song music video
- On a related note, the Wake Ups should also divulge some personal information or news for the day. I’ve been meaning to do a better job of that so let’s start now: it’s Tuesday morning and I slept pretty well. You’ll come to find out that’s a huge talking point in my house because I’m a recovering insomniac and have to proactively work a ritual to put myself to sleep.
- 5 hours is a huge night around here, and with enough magnesium I can get to 7 and would kill your first born for 8 on a weekend just one time.
- Pharmaceuticals would help me but I cannot rely on pharmaceuticals. Instead, my holistic holy trinity consists of magnesium, chamomile, and melatonin. Only problem is I’m pissing much more than I’d like.
- Sleep aside, I’m going to the gym this morning for squats and romanian deadlifts as part of a 12 week program I started in mid December. It’s actually an original Illinois baseball workout from 2009 that I dusted off for strength training purposes. I don’t remember it being nearly this difficult when I was younger but there’s a lot I don’t remember. What’s important is that I keep doing the workout.
- I’m lifting weights for the primary reason of not getting hurt in the spring time. I threw out my back like 4 times last year and was otherwise a mopey and weak pussy. That’s unacceptable given the amount of work demanded by the farm. So we’re legitimately training ourselves (slowly) to best manage the physical side of homesteading. Or something like that.
- In either event, Thong Song is a fantastic music video and a fun song. The beat still holds and it’s actually remarkable the video got made. So please enjoy to start your day and I’ll see you guys back again at 9:15.
- Which reminds me, we’re every 1:15 starting at 8am and going to 6pm for this week. Still undecided as to an official schedule but I already like the 1:15 a lot more for staying sharp. Obviously subject to change but figured I be transparent with you guys at all times.
- Have a nice Tuesday
- PS – Snow storm coming tomorrow